Please, record only a maximum of 2 minutes of video for each clip. 5 total video clips over the entire nesting event. Email your recorded video WMV file or MP4 file event as an attachment to: Please include in your email:
– Your First Name
– Your Last Name’s Initial
– Your State’s abbreviation
– Your Town (Optional)
– The Type of Bird You Think is nesting
– The Date (Month, Day, Year)
– A Short Comment
Each video will be reviewed for content, length of time (video’s may be trimmed to fit size) and correct file format. Your video will then be posted on as a edited video clip, with your information highlighted next to it giving you credit as the sender. All senders from the same State will be posted together. This will allow viewer’s to see what’s going on in each particular State. As more video’s are posted, more of a array of nesting video’s will be available for viewing and all to share. Please note: by sending a video to it becomes a video that can freely use, edit and post for all to share.